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Monday, January 31, 2011

I Won!!!!!

I won our family weightloss contest!!! 13lbs lost!!!! It is such a good feeling to get to church and have people come up and comment on your weightloss. I can't see it as easily, so it's nice to know it can be seen. I can feel it a bit in my clothing but it feels good when people comment on it. Stephanie lost 6lb, Brenda and Mom lost 2lbs and Teresa lost oz I think, LOL, can't remember.

So we start again!!! Feb starts the contest over and another $100 is on the line.

So here I sit eating my breakfast muffin and writing, it's sort of a habit of such. We are going to continue the dinners which are so much fun and I am going to do my best to eat less than I have been and I haven't been eating much dinner. The last week I've been adding dance workouts and they are fun and seen to be burning a few calories, I'm down oz, which aggravates me but I'll keep on because for the first time in my life I am doing it on my own. Feels good!!!

I went from low cal white muffins to wheat. See I just keep plodding forward one little change at a time. Any good food tips or recipes??? I can always use low fat recipes.

I learned something this morning. LOL. I DO NOT like Moterrey Jack cheese on my muffin. Ick, it almost didn't go down this morning. I love that kind of cheese but not on a Turkey Bacon, Egg White & English Muffin breakfast. LOL. Whew that was YUCK!!! Lesson learned stick with Cheddar or Pepper Jack.

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