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Monday, September 2, 2013

Vacation & Back To Health Again

Well, we went on vacation and now we are back. Enough said. LOL. I'm still working on cutting back my foods and I'm starting to add a little exercise in and more water.

I'm trying to cut back my caffiene but that is HARD!!!

Rescheduled my doctors appt for a couple weeks out so I'm going to try and work hard to surprise him at what I've done. Not going to be easy because I don't handle stress well and work-related stress is out the roof!!!!!!!! Then add everyday and stupid stuff and my body is in shock before we begin discussing my horrible eating habits.

Tomorrow starts a new try AGAIN, sort of. I'm going to do cereal in the mornings and something small for lunch & dinner. Lots of water and I'm not making any promises BUT, I'm gonna start trying to get out there and walk/jog again. 3-4 years ago I dropped 28lbs doing that. Just me and my tunes and water. LOL.


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