So I've decided to begin to journal my health & changes I'm making so that I can see the changes in myself.
I've made one HUGE change and that is water, water, water, water & more water!!! I'm drinking so much water I feel like a swimming pool. HAHA. Seriously though, I had a major problem this morning at church, I wore flats to praise team practice and when it was time to hit the platform for service I got my heels out and slipped them on and almost fell over. They were suddenly too big. WHAT???!?? You heard me correctly my 3" heels were flopping on my feet. It came the day after I was telling someone I had never seen veins in my feet. Alot of peoples feet the veins stick up a little and the "bump" is seen through the skin, well my feet have NEVER had that view and yet this week I noticed that. I said hmmm, never dawned on me my feet would "shrink". LOL.
The other thing is my weight. I haven't been taking anything to enhance my weightloss, I changed jobs, went from sitting all day to standing and bending all the time. I'm always on the move now days and it's made a difference. On January 10th of this year I went to the doctor for my quarterly visit so that I could get my BP prescriptions refilled. My doctor looked at me and said "Taniss, you weigh more than you've ever weighed in my office. I didn't have the heart to tell him I was down a few pounds. Stress and the hectic life I live was literally killing me. I tend to lose a little weight and then bounce around a day or 2 and then suddenly I drop a couple more pounds, etc. So I went onto MyFitnessPal to log my weight three days ago and yikes, I was down but still 1lb above my last logged weigh-in. This morning I was a 1.4lbs under!!!! I added it up and I'm 17lbs down from my doctors appointment weight!!! I felt like I could conquer the world in that moment I realized that. Go Me!!!
I'm doing oil pulling, I'm noticing some gum growth on my lower teeth where some of my gums were receding. My teeth feel so smooth & clean and everyone says they are sparkling clean, LOL. I think they say that to make me quit talking about it. There are so many other great things they say oil pulling does I'm excited to see how much of it really works.
Black Strap Molasses seems to truly give natural energy!!! I've got Teresa trying all of this now.
My biggest hurtle has been water. I can only drink large amounts with water if I have it on Sonic ice. LOL. For real but hey, it's working!!! Been awhile since I've felt this good!!!
Which some of that can probably go to the Lord and the touch and revelation I received last weekend.
Until next time....
Wish me luck and any good healthy & TASTY recipes can be shared my way. I just discovered I LOVE Spaghetti Squash, like SERIOUSLY love the stuff!!! So we are trying to change some eating habits, eat better, eat less! LOL. Then most importantly I've begun a journey in learning to trust in God!!! That right there is more important to me than any of the weight issues, health issues, just to lean on Him and let Him lead & guide me and He has it all under control and does a much better job. My problem is I'm always having to ask God to forgive my unbelief because I keep trying to pick up my worries... sigh... Trust, learning to trust!!!